Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Change in Direction

The last few days have been hectic and anxious, but full of God's Providence. Last week we became convinced from much input that we had not properly considered the non-surgical options of treatment. So we met with the local Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Trupp, and managed to get a PET Scan scheduled for February 25. This past weekend was again blessed with time with our family and friends. Worship on Sunday was very special and the time of prayer for us with the body was overwhelming in love and encouragment. The prayers of all our friends and family are so precious and it is obvious God is using them.

We had the PET Scan yesterday, and the great folks at RMC went to much trouble to push through the results in the same day. We then met again with Dr. Trupp and reviewed the films. The great news is that the scan did not show any signs of cancer beyond what we knew to exist in my throat and the lymph node. AND, Dr Trupp was amazed that the lymph node did not indicate a high rate of metabolic activity as the cancer in my throat does. In fact, it appears to be "dead" tissue! Although it still needs to be addressed, we are so thankful that the cancer has not spread beyond where we knew and that the cancer has evidently been "stopped" in the lymph node. Please thank God for this!

However the scan does indicate that the cancer in my throat is significantly beyond my tonsil and is in the base of the tongue. Based on what we have read, Dr. Trupp's recommendations, and the very gracious and ongoing consultation of Dr. Free, this does indicate that surgery may not be the best option for treatment. It appears that radiation and chemotherapy is inevitable whether surgery is performed or not, and that the risks of complications and permanent damage to structures in the throat increase in this area.

We have been trying all morning to reach Dr. Magnuson's office to have him review the PET films and concur or consult with Dr. Trupp or the UAB oncologists. Things may change today, but it seems obvious that we cannot proceed with surgery tomorrow. There may be information contrary to the current indications, but the recent findings indicate that radiation and chemo may be the best course for us now. Please pray as we are going for further opinions from UAB oncologists.

We thank God that He has guided our steps and we trust that He will continue to be in every detail. Thank you so much for your obvious concern and prayers. You will never know how much you mean to us, or all the ways God is using you through your prayers.

"Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul." (Ps. 143:8)

Monday, February 11, 2008

An Encouraging Word

We have been overwhelmed by the love and support of so many through phone calls, emails, and cards during the last few days. Thank you so much for your concern and, most of all, for your prayers.

Sunday was a very encouraging day for us. We enjoyed worship and a special time of prayer and Scripture reading with our precious church family at Grace Fellowship. We were so glad that Andrew & Sarah and Anna Lee & Locke were home for the week-end to be a part of that. :)

Aaron has been talking with other men who have had the same or similar situations. We have been very encouraged to hear of their stories and recoveries. We are learning what to expect with this surgery and the radiation that will probably follow. It will be a slow and painful process for sure, but we are thankful that this cancer is cureable.

We praise God for finding this cancer early on; for Dr. Magnuson and the team at UAB and our close proximity to them; for flexibility at the office; for the kindness of friends and family; for our church; for the prayers of the saints; and for the goodness and faithfulness of God!
We're still set for surgery on the 27th...so keep praying!
Psalm 121
In Him,
The Acker Family

Friday, February 8, 2008

What we know

On February 6th 2008, we discovered that Aaron has squamous cell carcinoma. It started in his right tonsil and has spread to his throat and to one lymph node. We have elected to have surgery for removal of these affected areas on February 27th. The surgery will be done at UAB and the cure rate for this type of cancer is 75%. Depending on the pathology report, further treatment may be necessary (radiation). Recovery will be painful, as it will involve removal of throat tissue.
We covet your prayers for Aaron, our family, and Dr. Magnuson as we prepare for surgery.
Although this has taken us by surprise, we know that it hasn't taken God by surprise. We don't know exactly what our future holds, but we do know who holds our future, and we are trusting Him. Please pray for us. We will keep you updated!

In Him,
The Acker Family