Thursday, April 24, 2008


" It would sometimes appear, indeed, that God puts us into special circumstances of difficulty and trial in order that He may make manifest to us the infinite resources of His consolation; just as we need to go out into the dark night in order to behold the stars." F. B Meyer

We are down to the final 2 treatments! This is both wonderful and terrible....wonderful because the constant intentional burning of the soft tissues of Aaron's mouth, tongue and throat will come to an end; terrible because the pain and discomfort are at new highs. Yesterday was a particularly hard day. Aaron was suffering so much and had had just about all he could handle. I was feeling completely helpless and desperate. With tears of frustration we cried out to our Good Shepherd for mercy. In the intervening hours spent in and out of drs offices at UAB, the "Great Shepherd of the sheep" came and carried us.

"His strength is perfect, when our strength is gone. He'll carry us when we can't carry on. Raised in His power, the weak become strong. His strength is perfect".
S. C. Chapman

"He willl tend his flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs in His arms; He will carry them in His bosom and gently lead those that are with young." Is 40:11


Anonymous said...

Our family has been anxiously following your blog, looking forward to these moments when the treatments are almost done! We are praying for your strength and comfort during these last few days and the following days as you begin to recover. We love you all and are looking forward to the day of celebrations for you!
Ryan, Jennifer and Anna Kate

Barb said...

I feel so helpless, when I hear how difficult this is. It is so hard to watch others dear to me suffer. I am praying daily for your strength and comfort, along with God's mercy on you all. I look forward to the days of recovery. It will definitely be a day of rejoicing.

Love you tons!

Anonymous said...

You all have been on mind and in my prayers since I awakened this morning, knowing this is your last day of radiation. I can't even begin to imagine the suffering from pain, but I do understand desperation, and the great comfort that comes from truly resting in the arms of our heavenly Father as we cry out to Him in utter helplessness.
We love you all!
Suzan Freeman

Heath Compton said...

Dear Aaron and Debbie,

I am praying that God will greatly strengthen you both in these coming weeks.

Heath Compton