Sunday, May 25, 2008

Good Days

We are so very thankful for several things tonight. First, we have been praying specifically for Aaron's lymph node to shrink and it has definitely gone down a lot!! We continue to pray that by the drs. visit on June 3, it will be gone completely. Also, in general, he has felt much better in the last few days. The nausea and vomitting have abated for the most part. He was up and about all day yesterday, and we were most grateful to be able to go to church today! He actually ate a little ice cream this afternoon. Although his taste buds are "waking up" , it is still hurts to swallow much more than clear liquids. He is really looking forward to eating again and anxious to be rid of the feeding tube.
Pray this will happen sooner than later. We look foward to continued improvement this week and praise God for His faithfulness and the blessings of this day.

My Dad has been able to continue chemo treatments. He will have a full strength treatment next week, and will be able to go home for 3 weeks before having the next one.


Lisa said...

It was so good to see your entire family at church. We love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Still praying for you.

Jessica said...

So glad that you were feeling well to be in church Sunday! It was so good to see all of you there!
Continuing to pray!