Sunday, May 18, 2008


Today we woke up with high hopes of going to church together.( It has been three weeks and 2 days since his last treatment.) However, to our great disappointment he woke up very nauseated again!! The nausea and vomiting have gotten worse since treatments ended. This is NOT what we were expecting at this point! It seems like we are moving backwards. There ARE some positives, however: his voice continues to get stronger, his neck is completely healed, he IS swallowing liquids and an occasional poached egg, and has some good moments when nausea-free. The pain is still strong, but manageable. The feeding tube is working well and is the mainstay for nutrition and calories.
Truthfully, we are all discouraged....and waiting for the big "turn around". In reading Psalm 139 this morning, I was thankful to be reminded that we are "hemmed in" by HIS Presence. It is a day for remembering and clinging to Truth. Please pray for Aaron's complete healing and recovery and that even though we grow weary, we will "worship in the waiting".

News from Tulsa: my Dad had a second chemo treatment last week. He is feeling tired but otherwise doing well. He will receive another treatment on Wed.

Many thanks for your love and prayers.


Jessica said...

Continuing to pray for you guys!

Heath Compton said...

Dear Aaron and Debbie,

I am praying for both of you and your families.

Heath Compton

Anonymous said...

Disappoinment is inevitable in such an effort....... depression and surrender are still optional. When you get set back , rely on the strength you have gained by making it this far. When I get stumped by a task, the first thing I do is look in my toolbox. That's usually where God has put the answer. Well okay, I am flawed, it is often the second thing.....

Ed Moody II